Ink Mage
Tower of Cards Book 2
Time is running out.
Alexander Boleyn—his dearest friend, surrogate brother, and heir to his noble house—is dying. House Boleyn is on the verge of collapse and has allied with the corrupt House De Lawney, who Diya suspects are responsible for the incident that left Alexander in his current state.
All hope is not lost. A fix for Alexander’s condition is within reach, and Diya also has leads on the mystery of his brother’s disappearance. But, he needs to hurry.
House Boleyn’s new heir wants Alexander dead and Diya out of the way. The De Lawneys intend to capture and enslave the only companion Diya can trust. Staying step ahead of the rest is the only road to success.
Book 2 in the TOWER OF CARDS Series from Bestseller J Pal. This is Progression Fantasy utilizing a runic card-based magic system with tons of deck building customization. Perfect for fans of All the Skills and Towers of Heaven, as well as games such as Slay the Spire, Hearthstone, and Gwent.