By: Virginia McClain
Reviewed by: Andy Peloquin
For those who like the world of Rob J. Hayes’ Never Die, this will be another along the same vein–though reminiscent of feudal Japan instead of mainland China.
Sairo’s Claw follows three main characters:
Kaiyo, daughter of an Admiral, captain of her own ship, and all-around badass in her own right. She’s got a knack for throwing knives and kicking butt, and she’s a character who’s very easy to like.
Torako, vigilante who can take on an army of bandits and cut them down to size. She’s also mother to an ADORABLE little 3-year old and wife to Raku.
Raku, a scribe who stumbles upon some very important and dangerous secrets. She doesn’t look like much (think the traditional Japanese housewife) but she’s got some very interesting layers that make her a force to be reckoned with in her own way.
We get a few chapters from the POV of Itachi (3-year old bundle of cuteness) and they honestly established her as my favorite character in the book.
The magic system is fascinating though it’s a bit “softer” without any concrete explanation (that I recall) of what it is or how it works. But that never stops it from being interesting, relevant, and well-integrated into the story. It’s cleverly utilized so no one who wields magic is overpowered, but there’s that little additional hint of danger that makes it more enjoyable.
Overall, the story has great pacing, excellent character depth, and a well-fleshed out, highly vivid world. I burned through this book incredibly quickly, and I’m eagerly waiting for the next in the series to come out.
This review is the opinion of the author and does not represent the views of Aethon Books or its employees.
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