By: Steven Kelliher
Reviewed by: Andy Peloquin
I put off reading Rhythm of War for two days to finish this one!
I was offered an ARC copy of this book by the author, and the premise intrigued me so I accepted. And I’m incredibly glad I did!
Sword Punk has the feel of all of my favorite martial arts movies–the classic Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Jet Li films–but set in a slightly futuristic Seoul, giving it a hint of cyberpunk or neo-thriller. While it appears at the beginning to be just another martial arts story, over time, it develops into something deeper, a commentary of sorts on the class divide and the tactics used by media and corporations to control the masses.
It’s clear the author is a martial artist, because I could see, hear, and feel every kick and punch, taste the blood, and hear the crowds cheering. The build-up to the grand climax was steady and well-done, though I found the two-part ending didn’t have the big explosive delivery I was anticipating.
But the characters are very well-crafted, the world incredibly familiar, and the story one that was both easy to follow and incredibly immersive–so much so that I put off reading Rhythm of War for two days to finish this one. Definitely worth a read!
This review is the opinion of the author and does not represent the views of Aethon Books or its employees.
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